It has now formally established Snapchat+. According to TechCrunch, the company had said that it is testing this capability, although it did not provide any information. Earlier in June 2022, Snapchat had formally unveiled Snapchat+, a premium membership at USD3.99/month service that will give users access to unique features including the option to alter the app icon and the ability to know who has rewatched your stories. Stay tuned for more info this year, and you can keep using Lenses on your computer with Snapchat for Web," the app's tweet read. "Hi there, thanks for asking! We're adjusting our web-based investments for the AR creator & developer community to focus on expanding access to Camera Kit for Web. On Twitter, the messaging app announced that it was now focusing more on making the Camera Kit access more expansive for a better experience on web.
Available on both Mac and Windows operating systems, it allowed users to switch different filters during a video call or a live stream. At the time it was available to use with apps like Skype, YouTube, Zoom and Google Hangouts.
The camera feature was introduced to the app in 2018.